February 2, 2006

  • Been working on the Garage the last few days with the nice weather, finally got some shelving up, and boxes unpacked, outlets wired in, and some general organization to the place. Now to start making a frame for the furnace to accomodate filters, and screen the blower opening so a cat can't get in there....

    went to weld the frame together, discovered that sometime I had left my torch tanks turned on, so I am out of Oxygen...grarrr...have to take the tank in and get another *kicks self* fortunately it is only about $18 a tank for oxygen. Acetylene was on as well, but it still has about 75 lbs in it, so it will go a long time yet. Next step will be to measure and plan the sink and drain, get that installed. Then I can start on utilizing the room above the sink. Got my chop saw out, and my table saw, both new in the box, never unpacked. Really nice to be able to get them out and have the room to use them. Wire up a stereo soon, run an antenna wire in from the tower with a splitter, feed the TV and the stereo....then start restoring the radial arm saw, see if I can get it unfrozen and functional.  Need to pick up an Electric Fencer also, mine died. Darn things are about $60. The don't give them away...